What do we really want for our kids? And how do we help them achieve it? In the book, “The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness”, Dr. Edward Hallowell discusses how deliberate practice leads to empowering mastery and rewarding recognition and that that cycle, along with strong social connections and creative play lay the foundation for life-long self-sustaining happiness. Along with Dr. Hallowell, we think that music lessons are one of the very best ways to imprint this pattern on a child and help them discover their own ability to create and sustain joy. Check the book out and then come chat with Ellen about this parenting philosophy and how it intersects with our mission at Silver Music and your work practicing with your child.
December 10th, 9 am-10:15 am, Silver Music Tiemann Studio.
(You’ll love the book, but even if you don’t get a chance to read it, still come chat about parenting, music, and happiness– there won’t be any pop quizzes!)