Perhaps the biggest thing that sets Suzuki training apart from “traditional” methods is the focus on review. As Shinichi Suzuki said, “ability is built on review”. While other methods use technical exercises and etude books to hone students’ skills, the Suzuki method allows students to build their ability through pieces of music. As students learn more and more pieces, though it can be tricky to keep all of that music under the fingers and in the mind and ear. And once a review pieces slip out of a student’s repertoire, it can be painful and time consuming to bring it back. One great way to make sure every review piece is played every week is by using a review schedule or chart. Below is a picture of our violin student Jesse’s review chart. We were inspired to see he keeps it with his music books and even had it at his lesson, and so allowed us to snap a picture!
Do you have a great way to keep review going? We’d love to hear it! (Or see it!)