Silver Music hosts Community Concerts for a Cause on select Fridays at our Tiemann location (or 72nd St during Tiemann expansion). The goal of these concerts is to offer affordable, unique performances to our community in Morningside Heights and Upper Manhattan, and to raise money for a worthwhile cause on a larger scale.
Our first community concert of 2019, Movements for Mankind, took place on Friday, February 22nd and featured Prometheus Duo performing on piano and saxophone. All proceeds were be donated to the International Refugee Assistance Project.
Our next concert will take place on Friday, May 17th at 7:30pm at 218 W 72nd St. All proceeds will be donated to the Environmental Defense Fund.
See our past events from 2017-2018:
Our first concert, Giving Bach to Puerto Rico took place on Friday, November 3rd and we are thrilled to announce we raised $4,320 through Americares, a relief and development organization working with officials in Puerto Rico to stock emergency shelters with medical supplies.
Our second concert, Musicians Take a Stand for Refugees took place on Friday, December 8th and we exceeded our personal goal for contributing to this national movement, donating all our proceeds to the International Rescue Committee.
Our first concert of the new year, Music for the March, took place on January 19th, the eve of the Women’s March on NYC. All proceeds were donated to the Women’s March Alliance.
Our February concert, Cello Sonatas for Social Change, took place on February 23rd to support Musicians Without Borders, an organization that builds connections in areas of conflict using the power of music.
Our March concert, Music For Our Lives, took place on March 16th to support March For Our Lives featuring Silver Music faculty and musicians from the Morningside Heights community.
Our May concert, Tapping the Young Artist, took place offsite, at Goddard Riverside Community Center, on Sunday, May 6th and 2pm. This concert featured music, dance, and theater and all proceeds for this event benefited Goddard Riverside Performing Arts Camp.
Starting the new school year, Music Makes a Difference, took place on October 14, and was geared towards young children in an interactive concert. All proceeds were donated to the ACLU.
We hope you are able to join us for an upcoming Community Concert for a Cause! Space is limited, so please RSVP by emailing, or by RSVPing to our Facebook event page. Cash or check donations will be accepted at the door.