Thank you for visiting our COVID-19 Policy page and reading our guidelines and requirements to help keep our community as healthy as possible. As the situation in NYC evolves and requirements from the CDC are updated, we continue to update and adapt our policies to align with the most current health and safety policies.
-To prevent the spread of Coronavirus, we are limiting class sizes and asking that students be dropped off for group classes. (RSP/Readiness and beginner group classes may have one adult in the classroom).
-Classrooms are equipped with a blue air filter and window access
-All shared instruments and materials will be sanitized regularly
-All persons over age 2 who enter the school must wear a mask for the duration of their stay. (Flute students/flute faculty may remove their masks during portions of the lessons. Additional protocols will be required of flute students).
-No eating or drinking is permitted inside the space
We are require everyone aged 12+ to show proof of vaccination in order to participate in our in-person Silver Music programs, or spend more than 10 minutes inside the school.
If a student (12 years and older) does not plan to receive the vaccine and does not have a medical exemption letter from a medical provider, the student’s lesson or class will need to take place online.
All staff and faculty must provide a proof of vaccine or submit to weekly testing along with a letter of exemption from their medical provider. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
All students and families entering our school acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that Silver Music cannot guarantee that an individual will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. All persons must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending lessons or classes.
Exhibiting Symptoms
No persons exhibiting symptoms of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell, will be permitted to enter the facility.
Positive Cases
If parent or student has tested positive for COVID-19 or are aware that they have been in close contact* with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19, they must wait 5 days from exposure/testing positive to enter our facility. Individuals may return on Day 6 if they have no symptoms and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. Students returning from isolation on Day 6 must wear a well-fitting mask such as a KN95, KF94, or a cloth mask over a disposable surgical mask on Days 6–10.
For an unvaccinated person of any age who is exposed to COVID-19 in the home, if the COVID-positive household member and student are staying in the same home, the student must continue to quarantine for at least 5 additional days after the household member’s isolation period has ended.
Please note: if your child has recovered from COVID-19 in the last 90 days, they do not need to quarantine following an exposure and may continue to attend their lesson or class unless they develop COVID-like symptoms.
*Close contact means within 3 feet, masked or unmasked, for at least 10 minutes.
For students participating in in-person lessons and classes, in the event Silver Music needs to close its facility for a period of time due to NYC, NYS, and CDC recommendations related to COVID-19, instruction for instrumental and introductory students will continue online. In this event, tuition and withdrawal policies will remain the same.
We now offer Suzuki Guitar lessons at Silver Music!
We are excited to have guitarist, João Kouyoumdjian, join our faculty this January 2019, teaching private lessons, and Guitar Readiness for young beginners.
There is noticeable crossover between the Suzuki violin/viola/cello repertoire and guitar repertoire. For those children who have been in our RSP classes, many will recognize some of the early guitar repertoire as we sing these pieces and rhythms in our current classes. Regardless of your child’s background, Suzuki Guitar Book 1 starts with pieces most children know already, including Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Frere Jacques and progresses to works by Purcell and Bach by the end of Book 1.
Because the guitar is such a well-known instrument in pop culture and world music, families may be confused about what it means to study “Suzuki” guitar. Students studying Suzuki guitar are learning classical guitar. This style is non-electric, and instruments are wooden with nylon strings (not steel); students use a footstool for proper posture. Suzuki guitar students begin by learning melodies, not chords. As students progress they learn to play the melody and accompaniment on the guitar, similar to the way piano students begin just by learning a melody before adding an accompaniment or variations. There are currently 9 volumes of Suzuki guitar ending with the Sor Variations on a Theme of Mozart and Albeniz Austurias, encompassing music throughout 5 centuries in an organized progression.
Beginning a student on Suzuki guitar will give them the skills and foundation to be able to play a variety of repertoire on guitar, including non-classical. Suzuki develops a student’s ear to be able to relate to music naturally, and carefully builds technique around manageable goals–helping the student gain mastery. Wherever you see yourself, or your child, going with guitar–a Suzuki foundation can help you get there!
Click Here to watch The Sound of Success an informative introduction to Suzuki guitar created by the SAA Guitar Committee.
We look forward to the start of our fall semester on Saturday, September 11th and seeing many families in-person for the first time in over a year!
With the emerging Delta variant and new guidelines from city officials we are now taking extra precautions to keep everyone as safe as possible for the coming school year. We are now requiring everyone aged 12+ to show proof of vaccination in order to participate in our in-person Silver Music programs, or spend more than 10 minutes inside the school.
If a student (12 years and older) does not plan to receive the vaccine and does not have a medical exemption letter from a medical provider, the student’s lesson or class will need to take place online.
All staff and faculty must provide a proof of vaccine or submit to weekly testing along with a letter of exemption from their medical provider. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
Individuals entering the space including faculty and staff acknowledge the following:
* No symptoms of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
* No belief of exposure to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
* No diagnosis with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as non contagious by state or local public health authorities.
All students and families entering our school acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that Silver Music cannot guarantee that an individual will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. All persons must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending lessons or classes.
All individuals over age 2 must wear a mask at all times.
Additional Notes:
IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION AND FACILITY CLOSURE: For students participating in in-person lessons and classes, in the event Silver Music needs to close its facility for a period of time due to NYC, NYS and CDC recommendations related to COVID-19, instruction for instrumental and introductory students will continue online. In this event, tuition and withdrawal policies will remain the same.
September 11, 2021-June 12, 2022
Tuition applies to string, flute, and piano students. All instrumental students participate in a weekly group class in addition to their private lesson. ($80/semester is deducted from the tuition listed below for beginning string and flute students to account for a shorter group class.)
2021-2022 Fall Saturday (14 weeks) Spring (17 weeks)
30 min + Group Class: Fall $1594, Spring $1822
45 min + Group Class: Fall $1,916, Spring $2213
60 min + Group Class: Fall $2,210, Spring $2570
2021-2022 Sunday (14 weeks) Spring (17 weeks)
30 min + Group Class: Fall $1594, Spring $1822
45 min + Group Class: Fall $1,916, Spring $2213
60 min + Group Class: Fall $2,210, Spring $2570
2021-2022 Monday (16) Spring (16 weeks)
30 min + Group Class: Fall $1,746, Spring $1746
45 min + Group Class: Fall $2114, Spring $2114
60 min + Group Class: Fall $2,450, Spring $2450
2021-2022 Tuesday (16 weeks) Spring (18 weeks)
30 min + Group Class: Fall $1,746, Spring $1898
45 min + Group Class: Fall $2,114, Spring $2312
60 min + Group Class: Fall $2,450, Spring $2690
2021-2022 Wednesday (15 weeks) Spring (18 weeks)
30 min + Group Class: Fall $1,670, Spring $1898
45 min + Group Class: Fall $2015, Spring $2312
60 min + Group Class: Fall $2,330, Spring $2690
2021-2022 Thursday (14) Spring (18 weeks)
30 min + Group Class: Fall $1,594, Spring $1898
45 min + Group Class: Fall $1,916, Spring $2312
60 min + Group Class: Fall $2,210, Spring $2690
2021-2022 Friday (15 weeks) Spring (17 weeks)
30 min + Group Class: Fall $1,670, Spring $1822
45 min + Group Class: Fall $2015, Spring $2213
60 min + Group Class: Fall $2,330, Spring $2570
Yearly Registration fee, billed in April for upcoming year: $65/year
Fall and Spring Recital fee, billed on each invoice: $50/semester
Festival fee, billed on Spring Tuition Invoices: $50/year
Sibling Discount: 10% off for siblings for all lessons, classes, camps
Graduation/Book Recitals:
These optional performances are billed at the following rates
$275 fee for string recitals held at Silver Music, includes piano accomp., teacher fee, and space rental
$175 fee for piano recitals held at Silver Music, includes teacher fee and space rental
$175 for string recitals at another location, includes piano accompaniment and teacher fee
$75 for piano recitals at another location, includes teacher fee
$50 for Zoom recitals, includes teacher fee
Your semester tuition is based on the day and length of your lesson and includes group classes.
You may elect to pay the each semester balance in full or in installments.
Please note there will not be an additional charge with credit card transactions. If you wish to pay by check, please be sure to submit payment by the due date.
Students are welcome to arrange for “extra” lessons with their teacher outside of our academic calendar. The cost for individual extra lessons is below:
$76/30 minute lesson
$99/45 minute lesson
$120/60 minute lesson
Sibling discounts may be applied. Extra lessons will be billed through Silver Music on a monthly basis.
Join us for Music Storytime at 4:00pm led by our flute teacher, Zara Lawler, and joined by our RSP and Violin/Viola teacher, Molly Goldman! This event is designed for young children to experience stories coming to life through music. Come celebrate books and music with us for just $10/family!
CLICK HERE to register!
Congratulations to our online 2020-2021 Twinkle Grads!:
Congratulations for our Spring 2021 Book Recital Graduates!
Congratulations to our Spring 2021 Practice Challenge Participants!
250+ Minutes
Cassius N, piano
Leo C, piano
Liam D, piano
Tatem N, viola
Liv N, viola
Sylvie S, violin
Tessa N, violin
Liam P, violin
Gabriel W, violin
Clara W, violin
Lara L, violin
500+ Minutes:
Camilo A, cello
Sebby K, cello
Liam F, piano
William Z, piano
Ian D, piano
Sarina M, piano
Elizabeth L, piano
Catherine K, piano
Julia D, violin
Cora T, violin
Sybil T, violin
Nuri A, violin
1000+ Minutes:
Ollie W, cello
Anya E, cello
Francie L, cello
Marlowe W, flute
Roger R, piano
Roxanna R, piano
Max I, piano
Cecilia G, piano
1500+ Minutes:
Samson C-W, cello
Alexander T, piano
Claire Y, piano
Syam J, piano
Frida C-W, viola
Tristan V, violin
Suzanna A, violin
Elsa C-W, violin
Charlotte C, violin
Remi W, violin
Clara M, violin
Emily M, violin
Debbie T, violin
Felix V, violin
Join us for our March Playing Party!
Playing Parties are an opportunity for students to come share music and support their peers! Everyone is invited to perform a piece for the group, or join just to listen. Please RSVP to silvermusic@silvermusic.org to receive the Zoom link.
Details below:
Open to all instruments, ages, and levels!
Date: Sunday, March 21, 2021
Time: 5:00pm
Host: Ellen Silver
Location: Zoom
Blythe Bonnaffons is Program Director at Silver Music. Here is a bit of insight into her early study:
Age you began studying:I began flute in fourth grade through my school’s band program and began taking private flute lessons that summer. I also started taking piano lessons around the same time.
Why did you choose the flute?
I thought it was the most beautiful instrument and I had a hard time understanding why anyone would NOT choose to play the flute if they heard it (played well). I still feel that way!
One memory from your lessons or early study:
One of the only negatives of playing a woodwind instrument is that you cannot LAUGH. I loved the social aspect of playing in band and in chamber ensembles but not laughing was a challenge throughout my early flute-playing life. Goofy rehearsals sometimes led to barely making it through a performance. And a couple times I didn’t make it. I have a pretty vivid memory of a NYSSMA flute trio that ended as a solo because two of us were behind our stands laughing.
Did you always like to practice? If not, how did you, or your parent motivate you to practice?
I didn’t mind practicing, but in middle and high school it was really challenging finding the time. Like many of our Silver Music students, I had a lot going on in school, and after school, and I was exhausted! Being consistent helped–if I could get in practice most days, even for just 10 minutes, it felt like I had kept a promise to myself and it was way easier to keep going. Of course concerts, recitals, and auditions, definitely motivated me too.
Did you ever want to quit?
I never did! Flute felt like a big part of my identity.
Current Favorite Suzuki Piece:
Humoresque. I’m glad that almost all the Suzuki students at Silver Music (violin, viola, cello, flute) learn this piece because I enjoy hearing everyone play it!
What else do you enjoy doing besides playing flute?
In the pandemic, I have enjoyed getting outside and hiking almost every weekend. During this time I’m also catching up on iconic series that I’ve somehow missed up until to this point. I’ve now watched all of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and I’m halfway through the seventh Harry Potter book.
If you’d like make a monetary contribution to our school, please submit this Donation Form. Thank you!
We happily accept donated instruments, sheet music, and supplies too!